FirstTimers-General Guidelines
LTI Wiki → Language Team Contacts | FirstTimers-General Guidelines | LTI Guidelines | Transcription Team | Proofreading Team | Translation Teams | Translation Proofreading Teams | Linguistic Tech Team | Media Center | Project Teams | LingTeam Development | Meetings (edit)
Welcome to the Linguistic Team !
The page is intended to help you hit the ground running, and get productive as soon as possible, because, after all, that's what you came for, right? If you're an experienced translator, and have used other online, collaborative tools, feel welcome to contribute the information to the Development Group, so we can continue to improve the system, as we move forward.
Stay Informed
In order to stay informed of changes, you need to set yourself up in the appropriate areas. Please be aware that we are in the process of both consolidating and better automating as much as possible into our own space, so some of what follows is a bit transitional.
Here's a list of our main means of communication :
- Linguistic Team forums - this is a direct replacement for the over 80 language team email groups and other resources we previously used.
- LTI Facebook group - public-facing announcement & non-project-specific discussion area.
- Linguistic Team meetings on [| TeamSpeak] - Bi-weekly global meetings. All LTI members are encouraged to participate.
You should also mark this page as "WATCH" so you will receive direct mail if/when the information on this page changes. To add a wiki page to your Watch list, just click on the word "Watch", located in the second softer color horizontal menu near the top of the page.
Learn the process
Guidelines for Transcribers and Proofreaders
In the link above, you will find different guidelines which cover the following :
- Our Methodology, a series of studies and research which allowed us to arrive at the transcription guidelines
- LT_English_Language_Guidelines, which focuses on providing you with general information about sentence structure, as well as do's and don'ts when transcribing video content.
- The Glossary, which collects difficult terminology which is commonly found in our materials (scientific or technological jargon, for example)
The process of translations involves the use of any media source:
Video Files
Transcription of video media goes through the following workflow :
- 1) Transcription of the video
- 2) First round of proofreading
- 3) Timestamp adjusting (Time-shifting)
- 4) Second round of proofreading
- 5) Final round of proofreading
- 6) The transcription is open for translation (See "Translations in progress table")
- 7) Once the translation teams notify the group that the translation is finalized, the video is be converted to its final publication form, and will be warehoused in the Linguistic Team for download and distribution.
Written materials
Articles are
a) Proofread in the original language. Normally there will be two to three proof readings. Complete details on Proofreading guidelines can be found here :
b) After proofreading, they will be passed on each language team, who will then translate it.
c) After translation, there will be from two to three proof-readings
d) After completion, they will be converted to the final publication form, and will be warehoused in the Linguistic Team for download and distribution.
Audio Files
a) Audio files will be first transcribed.
b) After transcription, it will be proofread two to three times.
c) After proofreading, they will be passed on each language team, who will then translate it.
d) After translation, there will be from two to three proof-readings
e) After completion, they will be converted to the final publication form, and will be warehoused in the Linguistic Team for download and distribution.
This is a third party application, hosted outside of our language team's domain. It is located here: dotSUB
If you will either proofread, and/or translate video files, you will have to create an account in their system, and provide the user name to a coordinator, so you are given access to files to proofread or transcribe. You will find all the videos that we're currently transcribing/translating in the video releases table.
Pootle is a free and open web environment for translators. It enables volunteers to translate .PDFs, movie subtitles, content of main web page, presentations, .ODT files, menus, and many other things.
Vocabulary, Glossary, CrossReference Index
LTI Wiki → Language Team Contacts | FirstTimers-General Guidelines | LTI Guidelines | Transcription Team | Proofreading Team | Translation Teams | Translation Proofreading Teams | Linguistic Tech Team | Media Center | Project Teams | LingTeam Development | Meetings (edit)