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This page is dedicated to development of Pootle, the tool for the Zeitgeist Movement Category:Translation Project. If you are looking for a help about Pootle, please visit Help:Pootle page.


Due to language barrier many people lack access to the information presented by the Zeitgeist Movement. On the other hand global awareness is crucial for as all. Because of those reasons, the translations are one of the top priorities and the software for translators is in our closest focus.


  1. Provide a tool for efficient work with translations.
  2. Create a very simple translation process for text-based media (implement phases for translation, proofread and publication)
  3. Automate as much as possible from the translation process to save people's time, energy and other resources.
  4. Build a platform where all translations would be easily accessible and stored safely without problems from 3rd parties side.


This table is under constant development. Please keep track of it.

Objective Description Status
Skin Adjust Pootle's skin (template). Done Yes
Integrate Pootle with Joomla A Pootle user registration has been integrated with Joomla. Currently one script in Joomla userspace is monitoring for first visits of registered users to Translations page in Joomla and on occurrence an entry is generated in mysql database. Another script in Pootle userspace is monitoring the mysql and updates the users.prefs file. When file is updated an email with activation request is send to added users (implement to reduce the amount of users not really interested in translations) by email. This script is external and currently do not uses Pootle's objects. Done Yes
Run Pootle in userspace To run Pootle only in userspace without access to root area, a scripts has been implemented which install the necessary dependencies. Done Yes
Run Pootle server as a daemon. A daemon bash script was implemented. It additionally allows to start, stop and restart the PootleServer smoothly, and creates a logs. A cron task was added to start this procedure on server restarts. Done Yes
Get sources from websites A script to get sources of articles from thezeitgeistmovement.com and thevenusproject.com was implemented. Part of this script uses a tidy module to prepare the source for furtherer conversion. span tags in the process are removed and replaced by div tags due to conversion problems (due to this problem, those tags shouldn't be used currently in the sources). Finally the script converts the xhtml syntax to the '.pot' file (.pot = .po template).

TODO: Adjust the script to get all the sources. No
TODO: Write a function to distribute all the .pot files to proper directories. No
TODO: Implement a compare feature which will be automatically check for updates (eventually merge the .po files) and send notification to project managers. No

70% of sourcesYes
Setup VCS for translation files Translations files are usually an independent works and we chose CVS as our VCS for the translation files. (Please don't confuse it with repository for the software; we are not using CVS for that) Done Yes
Add feature to download subtitles and other materials A place where people may get all and actual subtitles (for example in .srt format) is very needed. Similar easy access to PDFs etc. also should be created. No
Improve the historical record No
Display suggestions Display suggestion in Pootle 1.2.* in the similar way they are displayed in 1.3.* No
Improve the rights management Pootle is using rights management per project_in_language. We should consider altering this behavior so we could manage user rights per language (with exceptions). It will reduce the amount of work No
Additional attributes Additional attributes are needed to inform quickly for example about the role of a person in project/language. We may also for example define profiles of users (profile as a setup of rights) which suit to our translation process, and store selected in one of attributes. No
A repository for translations completed before Pootle Pootle has a certain limitations. We need to allow people to send already translated works, but they need to be send in formats, which will be conversion friendly (to .po /.xlf format). An email has been set for this, but a clear instruction needs to be prepared. 50% Yes
Fuzzy option We may alter this feature so it would be used as enabled by default in translation mode, and only proofreaders will be able to remove it. On the other hand we may try to set all the fields as fuzzy with an external script at the beginning of the proofread phase. No
Automatically generated pre-translations? An idea arrived to setup a test run. We could show it to a small group of non-native speakers to see how it holds up. No
dotSUB style: Play videos from external streams (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) and embedded srt subtitles autogenerated by Pootle Contact me at capiscuas@gmail.com to help developing that idea. We can use the JW Player which can be modified for non-commercial projects like ours. No

Translation process

Current process:

  1. user registration - fill username, full name, password
  2. user activation - receive an email and activate you account
  3. translate - only suggest option for new users
  4. proofread - accept or not the translation
  5. publish

New process prototypes

Under development...

Variant 1 Variant 2
Default rights set to view only.

No translators need to wait for right assignments

No there is more work for administrators with those assignments

Default rights set to view only and suggest.

Yes all activated translators may start the work immediately

Yes no additional work for administrators

Default rights set to view and suggest.

Yes only already approved work is shown in the stats

No no direct information about progress in this phase when the rights are set to suggest only

Default rights set to view and translate.

Yes direct information about progress in this phase

No no information about proofread in that variant

Default rights to suggest OFF. Rights to translate assigned to proofreaders. Default rights to translate and suggest OFF. Assigned rights to suggest for non authoritative proofreaders. Assigned rights to translate for authoritative proofreaders.
Suggest rights again switched ON. Translate rights again switched ON
Version approved is going to be published with precise time stamp.

User rights management

User rights

  • view - this doesn't really do anything (Pootle native developers wrote that in future they might implement it to limit the visibility of certain projects)
  • suggest - the right to suggest a translation for a specific unit
  • review - the right to review the suggested translations and accept or reject them
  • translate - the right to supply a translation for a specific unit or to replace the existing one
  • archive - the right to download archives (like ZIP files) of a project or directory
  • pocompile - the right to download compiled files (for example .mo files)
  • overwrite - the right to entirely overwrite a file at the time of upload (instead of the default behavior of merging translations)
  • assign - the right to assign work in goals to translators
  • administrate - the right to administrate the permissions of this project (this is not the same as the site administrator)
  • commit - the right to commit a file to the version control system (if the files are configured for version control integration)

User profiles

(based on the user rights listed above)

Main Web Site project

Profile view suggest review translate archive pocompile overwrite assign administrate commit
Visitor Yes No No No No No No No No No
Translator Yes Yes No No No No No No
Proofreader Yes Yes No No No No No No
Content Manager Yes No No No No No No
Project Manager Yes No No Yes Yes

Subtitles projects

Profile view suggest review translate archive pocompile overwrite assign administrate commit
Visitor Yes No No No No No No No No No
Translator Yes Yes No No No No No No No No
Proofreader Yes No No Yes No No No No No No
Content Manager Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No
Project Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

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