Linguistic Team Meetings

From Linguistic Team International Wiki
Revision as of 12:44, 7 July 2014 by Lizardman (talk | contribs) (Rockin On)
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LTI WikiLanguage Team Contacts | FirstTimers-General Guidelines | LTI Guidelines | Transcription Team | Proofreading Team | Translation Teams | Translation Proofreading Teams | Linguistic Tech Team | Media Center | Project Teams | LingTeam Development | Meetings (edit)

Regular bi-weekly meetings will be held on Saturdays at 19:00 GMT (7:00 PM) within Teamspeak in order for everyone (including new members) to get up to speed & stay up to date on our progress. You can use the Time Zone Convertor site or Wolfram Alpha to easily work out your local time.

To facilitate the development of, and communication within the Linguistic Team, an agenda for each week's meeting can be found here. Members are encouraged to add to the agenda to make meetings more systematic. In addition, members that are not able to attend the meetings could also add points which they would like discussed.

Besides the meeting agenda, there is also the Official Guidelines quickie, which serves as a summarized form of the global guidelines we collaboratively arrived at during multiple meetings concentrating on communications within and across the teams, transcribing, proofreading and translating across multiple languages, and other areas that fall under the Linguistic Team focus.

We hope that through the meetings, we will be able to continually develop and refine a highly dedicated and efficient globally-focused team which will provide the greater RBE Community with core RBE multimedia of the highest quality across all languages.

Int'l LingTeam Meetings

Calendar with future meetings

Getting Organized

Getting Started

The Great Migration begins

Following the Tsunami

Post-TVP/TZM spat

Rockin On

Language Coordinator Meetings

These are scheduled as desired/needed and generally occur once a month or so.

Other gatherings

LTI WikiLanguage Team Contacts | FirstTimers-General Guidelines | LTI Guidelines | Transcription Team | Proofreading Team | Translation Teams | Translation Proofreading Teams | Linguistic Tech Team | Media Center | Project Teams | LingTeam Development | Meetings (edit)